[Gate-users] question about setting x-ray sources in mammography

Richard Taschereau RTaschereau at mednet.ucla.edu
Mon Mar 24 18:58:23 CET 2008

Hi Yiheng,

There is no pre-defined x-ray source in Gate.  You will have to use the
generalized particle source (gps) with a user-defined photon energy
spectrum.  If you can¹t find the spectrum you need in the literature, you
can either use an estimate ( by analytical means ) or  a spectrum obtained
by simulating the source (electron gun and target).  (I have done that to
simulate out microCT scanner)


On 3/23/08 1:39 PM, "Yiheng Zhang" <yihengzhang at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Gators,
> I am new in Gate tools and now working to simulate scattering in x-ray
> mammography for breast imaging.
> I have learned the benchmark examples of PET and SPECT and also the user's
> guide. Now I have
> a quick question, how to set up the x-ray source in mammography system? For
> example, 
> if I like to simulate a Rhodium target with a Rhodium filter (Rh/Rh) with
> about 30 KVp, is there any
> source already listed in Gate for that purpose? or I should specify the source
> material by myself?
> Thank you very much for the help.
> Yiheng
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Richard Taschereau, Ph.D.
Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging
University of California Los Angeles
700 Westwood Plaza, A222
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1770
Phone: (310) 825-0697
Fax:     (310) 206-8975
email: RTaschereau at mednet.ucla.edu

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