[Gate-users] root TBrowser problem

Marcin Balcerzyk m.balcerzyk at pluri.ucm.es
Sat Jan 19 09:58:09 CET 2008

Dear Gaters.


I run a simulation which produces a root file of about 320MB, that contains
about 90k coincidences from PET scanner and there are 36M decays processed
and the simulation ends normally. I can run a benchmarkPET.C file with root
on it, and I get sensible results of analysis within about 20s. That
indicates that root file is fine. 


However when I open root and TBrowser t on the same root file, I can see the
structure and leaves, but when I try to open a histogram (double click on a
leave) nothing happens even after a few minutes. Root does not report any
error and I can browse the tree normally. With a file up to few tens of MB
there was no problem with viewing histograms, and they appear within few
seconds maximum. I have a system with 1GB of RAM.


Any idea what is going on?


Marcin Balcerzyk

Univesrsitad Complutense de Madrid


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