[Gate-users] Materials.xml collaboration !

Samuel BURG samuel_burg at yahoo.fr
Mon Jan 14 20:06:20 CET 2008

Hi all,

here's a fixed version, after the great help of

So my RESOLUTIONSCALE question is closed.
But ... I have not find anything interesting about
ABSLENGTH for now.

Many thanks,

Samuel Burg

--- D.J.vanderLaan at IRI.TUDELFT.NL a écrit :

> Hi Samuel,
> I had another look at the equations, but as far I
> can see the equations in
> the manual are correct.
> The standard deviation in the number of optical
> photons generated by the
> scintillation event N at E is given by:
>   s = RS*sqrt(N at E),
> with N at E = E * SY. Using this in the equation for
> the energy resolution:
>   R at E = FWHM at E/N at E = 2.35*s/N at E
>       = 2.35*RS*sqrt(N at E)/N at E
>       = 2.35*RS/sqrt(N at E)
> From which the resolution scale can be derived:
>   RS = R at E*sqrt(N at E)/2.35
> Using the following numbers for LSO:
>   SY = 26000 1/MeV
>   R at 511 = 0.09 (this is the value used in the
> Materials.xml file)
>   E = 0.511 MeV
> Gives
>   RS = 0.09*sqrt(26000*0.511)/2.35 = 4.41
> Regards,
> Jan

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