[Gate-users] coincidences sorter /depth 5

Ashley Devarim ashley_devarim at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 12 02:37:31 CET 2008

Hi Gaters,

Please, I'm using a phoswich detector in a cylindrical PET scanner. and I need to ask you a question, is it forbidden to use depth value = 5 in the coincidence sorter :
/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setDepth 5

because when i choose this value, the simulation doesn't finish, it stops and gives the following message :
*** Break *** floating point exception
 Generating stack trace...
 0x082625f8 in GateCoincidenceSorter::ComputeSectorID(GatePulse const&) + 0x188 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x0826354f in GateCoincidenceSorter::IsForbiddenCoincidence(GatePulse const&, GatePulse const&) + 0x15f from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x08264bcc in GateCoincidenceSorter::CoincidentPulseIsValid(GateCoincidencePulse*, bool) + 0x11c from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x082652e2 in GateCoincidenceSorter::ProcessSinglePulseList(GatePulseList*) + 0x642 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x081d2e4d in GateDigitizer::Digitize() + 0x1ad from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x081ec1e8 in GateOutputMgr::RecordEndOfEvent(G4Event const*) + 0x58 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x081df89a in GateEventAction::EndOfEventAction(G4Event const*) + 0x2a from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x087cc6f3 in G4EventManager::DoProcessing(G4Event*) + 0x5c3 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x086d493a in G4RunManager::DoEventLoop(int, char const*, int) + 0xba from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x086d1f8d in G4RunManager::BeamOn(int, char const*, int) + 0x5d from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x081c93bf in GateApplicationMgr::StartDAQ() + 0xdf from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x081c9ac2 in GateApplicationMgrMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand*, G4String) + 0x122 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x0895005f in G4UIcommand::DoIt(G4String) + 0xa3f from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x08956e57 in G4UImanager::ApplyCommand(char const*) + 0x4f7 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x08963601 in G4UIbatch::SessionStart() + 0x1e1 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x089557f1 in G4UImanager::ExecuteMacroFile(char const*) + 0x41 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x08964916 in G4UIcontrolMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand*, G4String) + 0xe6 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x0895005f in G4UIcommand::DoIt(G4String) + 0xa3f from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x08956e57 in G4UImanager::ApplyCommand(char const*) + 0x4f7 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x08963601 in G4UIbatch::SessionStart() + 0x1e1 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x089557f1 in G4UImanager::ExecuteMacroFile(char const*) + 0x41 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x0822fbb1 in GateUIcontrolMessenger::LaunchMacroFile(G4String) + 0x91 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x0822fd08 in GateUIcontrolMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand*, G4String) + 0x98 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x0895005f in G4UIcommand::DoIt(G4String) + 0xa3f from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x08956e57 in G4UImanager::ApplyCommand(char const*) + 0x4f7 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x081c7e0b in main + 0x34b from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
 0x0663df70 in __libc_start_main + 0xe0 from /lib/libc.so.6
 0x081c6891 in TCanvasImp::Streamer(TBuffer&) + 0x35 from /usr/local/gate/bin/Linux-g++/Gate
/usr/bin/Gate: line 7:  4778 Abandon                 $GATEDIR/bin/Linux-g++/Gate $1

Do you know the explanation please ?
Thank you very much
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