[Gate-users] Damn line endings

yuxuan.zhang at di.mdacc.tmc.edu yuxuan.zhang at di.mdacc.tmc.edu
Fri Jan 11 17:03:52 CET 2008

I got this problem sometime ago too. this is what I did:

1. Open all the files in windows using the software "UltraEdit", 
2. then choose "File" -> "Conversions" -> "DOS to Unix", and then save it.
3. Copy the files to the Unix/Linux system (if you use ftp to transfer the 
files, use binary mode). 


"Hannes Hofmann" <opengate at f00f.de>
Sent by: gate-users-bounces at lists.healthgrid.org
01/10/2008 05:47 PM

        To:     gate-users at lists.healthgrid.org
        Subject:        [Gate-users] Damn line endings


this is annoying. very very, ... yeah you get the point, don't you?

All text input files that GATE reads should have UNIX line endings (\n)
otherwise you might end up with the funniest errors.

That costed me several hours of debugging (it's 1 am soon), because I
thought the error was in my macros or interfile headers.

Is there anything you can please do about this? (It's annoying!)


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