[Gate-users] GATE running problem--WARNING : positron found and photonID vector size 1

yuxuan.zhang at di.mdacc.tmc.edu yuxuan.zhang at di.mdacc.tmc.edu
Fri Jan 4 22:43:46 CET 2008

Usually it is because that the size of your phantom is not big enough 
therefore some positron can escape from the phantom without
annihilation. If there are not a lot of warning messages, (less than a few 
per second) then that's fine. Otherwise you need to 
check your phantom and source definition. The common error is that the 
part of the source is outside the phantom.


"Su, Yi" <suy at mir.wustl.edu>
Sent by: gate-users-bounces at lists.healthgrid.org
01/04/2008 01:31 PM

        To:     "'gate-users at lists.healthgrid.org'" <gate-users at lists.healthgrid.org>
        Subject:        [Gate-users] GATE running problem--WARNING : positron found and photonID 
vector size 1

Hi there,
I am running a GATE simulation and the following warning message keeps 
popping up:
[GateTrajectoryNavigator::FindAnnihilationGammasTrackID]  WARNING : 
positron found and photonID vector size: 1
Does anyone know what is going on, and what might be the problem? I am 
using Gate 3.1.2 and I am simulating an ecat system with a simple cylinder 
phantom and source.
Thanks a lot,
Yi Su, PhD
Division of Radiological Sciences
Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology
Washington University School of Medicine
Campus Box 8225
510 S. Kingshighway Blvd
St. Louis MO 63110
Phone: 314-362-8363
Fax:       314-362-9940
Email: suy at mir.wustl.edu

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