[Gate-users] Transportation process

Marc Verderi verderi at in2p3.fr
Wed Jan 2 21:38:22 CET 2008


The Transportation is the process that moves the track : ie the one that 
actually cares of updating the coordinates of the track (an other 
process may make little lateral moves in addition, this is the multiple 
scattering). The Transportation is also the process that takes care of 
the geometry by limiting the step on geometrical boundaries, in order to 
garantee that, in a step, only one material type may be travelled 
through. This material is used by the other "physics" processes for 
computing the particle-matter interactions.

I guess that in Gate, hits record the process that limited the step. In 
case no discrete interaction occured, the step may be limited at a 
geometrical boundary, thus by the Transportation.


anayisse arnaud a écrit :
> Dear Gaters,
> What does it mean Transportation in the hits output file ?
> Does anybody have an idea about this process ?
> Thanks in beforehand and Happy New Year
> Anayisse
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