[Gate-users] GATE Job Splitter for Sun Grid Engine

Stephan Schneider sts at rheinahrcampus.de
Sat Feb 23 17:53:00 CET 2008

Dear GATE Users,
during my master thesis I wrote a simple extension for the GATE job 
spitter to use the Sun Grid Engine (www.sun.com/gridware) as the 
The usage is the same as for the other platforms. The Grid Engine is 
used via:

gjs -numberofsplits 16 -clusterplatform sge ./simulation.mac

The extension uses the job-array feature from the Grid Engine to start 
the script files depending on an individual job number.
The gjs was successfully tested on our (26 Node - 32 bit AMD System) 
cluster with the benchmarkPET script and our own ClearPET simulations.

Perhaps this extension could be usefull for some of you.


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