[Gate-users] Overlaping problem

Gilberto Almeida gilberto.s.almeida at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 12:45:40 CET 2008

Hello gate-users

 I'm having a strange problem... I have set 2 cones with: Rmin1 0. cm, Rmax1
2.5 cm, Rmin2 0. cm, Rmax2 3.17 cm, setHeight 5 cm inside a box of
0.1x0.1x0.1nm (to be able to rotate both cone without changing the
alignement)and the macro works fine. The problem is: when I use 2 cones
with: Rmin1 0. mm, Rmax1 0.5 mm, Rmin2 0. mm, Rmax2 0.634 mm,
setHeight 0.5mm, in the very same macro, it returns :

"Start closing geometry.
PANIC! - G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes()
         Daughter physical volume cone1_P
         is entirely outside mother logical volume pinhole_L !!

*** G4Exception : InvalidSetup
      issued by : G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes()
Overlapping daughter with mother volume.
*** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***

*** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***

 My question is why? If in the first case the dimensions are far more
different than in those ones in the second case. The only changes in all
script are in the dimensions of the cones, nothing else.

 Or is there another way to rotate the two cones conected by the appex?

 Thank you for any help

Best regards,

Gilberto Almeida Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Campo Grande
1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
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