[Gate-users] measured and given timing resolution in TOF PET

Hongwei Ye howellye at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 8 22:52:59 CEST 2008

Dear GATE users,

I'm simulating a TOF PET system using GATE in those days. I have a problem which confuses me very much.

I put a point source at center of system and didn't add any temporal resolution to the simulation. I expected that I can get a series of coincidences which time difference between two events were 0 (or close to 0) if GATE records the time information for each event when the gamma photon arrives the detector. 
However, I got a Gaussian curve with 100ps (for LYSO) FWHM after plotting the histogram of time difference. This means the measured timing resolution is different from the given one. 

Are there any explanations for this problem?  Or did I misunderstand the time information in GATE?

Thank you very much.


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