[Gate-users] Interfile format for STIR

kangh at mskcc.org kangh at mskcc.org
Thu Apr 24 17:11:34 CEST 2008

Dear Kris,
Thanks for your answer for my question. 
that's weird. I haven't seen anything and can't immediatelly find
anything in the mailing lists archive

I realized that the email address I found on the web site
http://stir.sourceforge.net/  (stir-users at lists.sourceforge.net) is not
the correct one. 

I will be more specific about what I am trying to do for attenuation
correction. We have data of a voxellized phantom simulated with an
interfile of a CT scan using GATE and we want to reconstruct the data.
What I thought that I need to do for attenuation correction as a part of
precorrection using "correct_projdata" is to use the interfile of a CT
scan used for the simulation as input of "attenuation image filename".
So I simply copied the example of an interfile header file you sent to
me and changed the file name for "name of data file" and matrix sizes
and scaling factors to be correct for the interfile of a CT scan. Then I
ran "manip_image" to see whether that simple changes work.  It did not
work and I have gotten the following message

WARNING: Interfile Warning: only 'type of data := PET' supported.

WARNING: read_data: error after reading from stream.

WARNING: read_interfile_image: error reading data or scale factor
returned by read_data not equal to 1

ERROR: DiscretisedDensity::read_from_file: test.hv seems to be in an
unsupported file format

I am wondering whether plugging the CT scan still works for
"correct_projdata" even though "manip_image" does not work or an
interfile of a CT scan cannot be used as input for STIR.  I tried to
"manip_image" with an interfile of a PET scan and I did not get the
above error message.  

Here is the header file I used for "manip_image"

name of data file :=  m000-sel_CT_scan_bigVox.i33 
imagedata byte order := LITTLEENDIAN
number format := float
!number of bytes per pixel := 4
number of dimensions := 3
matrix axis label [1] := x
!matrix size [1] := 128
scaling factor (mm/pixel) [1] := 3.90625
matrix axis label [2] := y
!matrix size [2] := 128
scaling factor (mm/pixel) [2] := 3.90625
matrix axis label [3] := z
!matrix size [3] := 21
scaling factor (mm/pixel) [3] := 1.27999
number of time frames := 1
image scaling factor[1] := 1
data offset in bytes[1] := 0
quantification units := 1




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