[Gate-users] Compton interactions in the crystal show energy deposited as zero

KB kd8had at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 23:20:33 CEST 2008

Hello All,

   Going by event Id, I printed all the hits corresponding to a given
LOR and the interactions. It looks like all the compton interactions
deposit 0 MeV and this doesn't sound right.  The other point is adding
the energy deposited from the hits do not add up to what energy1 and
energy2 are for the coincidence. What am I missing here? Thanks.

The relevant physics lines from the macro file are :

/gate/physics/gamma/selectRayleigh lowenergy
/gate/physics/gamma/selectPhotoelectric standard
/gate/physics/gamma/selectCompton standard
/gate/physics/setElectronCut 30. cm
/gate/physics/setXRayCut 1. GeV
/gate/physics/setDeltaRayCut 1. GeV
/gate/physics/verbose 0

and here is the printout from the hits corresponding to some LORs. In
each block (separated by ------ lines) the first line is the data from
the coincidence tree and the
subsequent lines are hits with the same eventID.

 Pos1=[ 452.6   70.8   9.0] Rad=  458.1, Pos2=[-451.4  -71.3  -11.5]
Rad=  457.0, CID1 = 555, CID2=440, E1=0.498,E2=0.494
        Position=[318   452.5   70.8    9.0] Energy=0.0170380007
CrystalID=555  phot
        Position=[319   452.6   70.8    9.0] Energy=0.4935308695
CrystalID=555  eIoni
        Position=[320  -451.3  -71.3  -11.5] Energy=0.0000000000
CrystalID=440  compt
        Position=[321  -451.5  -69.3  -12.8] Energy=0.0000000000
CrystalID=417  LowEnRayleigh
        Position=[322  -452.4  -55.5  -23.1] Energy=0.0633139983
CrystalID=368  phot
        Position=[323  -452.4  -55.5  -23.1] Energy=0.1834079325
CrystalID=368  eIoni
        Position=[324  -451.4  -71.3  -11.5] Energy=0.0341149680
CrystalID=440  msc
        Position=[325  -451.4  -71.3  -11.5] Energy=0.0263256542
CrystalID=440  msc
        Position=[326  -451.4  -71.3  -11.5] Energy=0.2042667121
CrystalID=440  eIoni
Energy deposited through hits:  0.510569 0.511429
 Pos1=[ 247.7 -377.7  64.9] Rad=  451.7, Pos2=[-245.3  379.3  -46.6]
Rad=  451.7, CID1 = 852, CID2=230, E1=0.529,E2=0.460
        Position=[327   247.7 -377.7   64.9] Energy=0.0000000000
CrystalID=852  compt
        Position=[328   245.2 -374.8   67.6] Energy=0.0000000000
CrystalID=875  LowEnRayleigh
        Position=[329   244.9 -374.5   68.0] Energy=0.0633139983
CrystalID=875  phot
        Position=[330   244.9 -374.5   68.0] Energy=0.1242482439
CrystalID=875  eIoni
        Position=[331   247.7 -377.7   64.9] Energy=0.3213312924
CrystalID=852  eIoni
        Position=[332  -245.4  379.2  -46.5] Energy=0.0000000000
CrystalID=230  compt
        Position=[333  -245.2  379.4  -46.6] Energy=0.0633139983
CrystalID=230  phot
        Position=[334  -245.2  379.4  -46.6] Energy=0.2265119106
CrystalID=230  eIoni
        Position=[335  -245.4  379.2  -46.5] Energy=0.2232786566
CrystalID=230  eIoni
Energy deposited through hits:  0.508894 0.513105
 Pos1=[ 403.8 -206.3 -35.2] Rad=  453.4, Pos2=[-398.8  204.0   30.3]
Rad=  448.0, CID1 = 307, CID2=675, E1=0.516,E2=0.507
        Position=[368   402.2 -203.8  -33.3] Energy=0.0000000000
CrystalID=308  compt
        Position=[369   403.7 -206.4  -35.2] Energy=0.0633139983
CrystalID=307  phot
        Position=[370   403.8 -206.3  -35.2] Energy=0.2492854297
CrystalID=307  eBrem
        Position=[371   403.8 -206.3  -35.2] Energy=0.0118946973
CrystalID=307  eIoni
        Position=[372   404.7 -205.9  -33.9] Energy=0.0170380007
CrystalID=308  phot
        Position=[373   404.7 -205.9  -33.9] Energy=0.0625219345
CrystalID=308  eIoni
        Position=[374   402.3 -203.8  -33.3] Energy=0.1059423536
CrystalID=308  eIoni
        Position=[375  -398.8  204.0   30.2] Energy=0.0170380007
CrystalID=675  phot
        Position=[376  -398.8  204.0   30.3] Energy=0.4949637055
CrystalID=675  eIoni
Energy deposited through hits:  0.509996 0.512002

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