[Gate-users] root filenames by Gate

Hannes Hofmann opengate at f00f.de
Mon Apr 21 12:42:47 CEST 2008

Maybe the job splitter gjs from the ClusterTools is of help to you. It
was introduced in 3.1 afaik. gjs parses the .mac files and replaces
values like the output file name.

Regards, Hannes

2008/3/27 Marcin Balcerzyk <m.balcerzyk at pluri.ucm.es>:
> Dear Gaters.
>  I got a problem while Gate 3.0.0 is renaming the file at the end of work. I
>  am left with some binary name, even I declared some in
>  /gate/output/root/setFileName XXX
>  Is there a 8 character (or something like that) for the filename? I always
>  have to rename it manually, after Gate finishes to Idle> prompt (I do not
>  use exit command). I still produce one root file, but wanted then to do
>  batch mode, and then it is a problem.
>  Best regards
>  Marcin Balcerzyk
>  Univesrsidad Complutense de Madrid
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