[Gate-users] Re: Gate-users Digest, Vol 16, Issue 10

Ben McDonald ben.mcdonald at vanderbilt.edu
Sat Sep 22 22:18:42 CEST 2007

Hi Tadeu,

If compilation dies in GateCompressedVoxelOutput.cc, it might be because 
the environment variables have changed a bit from gate_v3.0.0 and 

Make sure you have the following set in your .bashrc file or c-shell script.



Hope this helps,


> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 15:50:57 -0300 (ART)
> From: Tadeu Kubo <kubo_tadeu at yahoo.com.br>
> Subject: [Gate-users] Compiling Gate
> To: gate-users at lists.healthgrid.org
> Message-ID: <688039.91782.qm at web50407.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hi everybody. I had some problems when I tried compile
> gate...Below I put the versions and the problem...If
> somebody could help me...will make me feel happy :D
> g++ 4.1
> geant4.8.1.p02
> lmf_v3.0
> root_v5.12.00g
> clhep-
> clhep-
> gate v3.1.1
> Compiling GateCompressedVoxelOutput.cc ...
> src/GateCompressedVoxelOutput.cc: In member function
> &#8216;virtual void 
> GateCompressedVoxelOutput::RecordBeginOfAcquisition()&#8217;:
> src/GateCompressedVoxelOutput.cc:97: error: incomplete
> type
>  &#8216;G4Material&#8217; 
> used in nested name specifier
> src/GateCompressedVoxelOutput.cc: In member function
> &#8216;virtual void 
> GateCompressedVoxelOutput::RecordEndOfAcquisition()&#8217;:
> src/GateCompressedVoxelOutput.cc:130: error:
> incomplete type 
> &#8216;G4Material&#8217; used in nested name specifier
> src/GateCompressedVoxelOutput.cc:131: error: invalid
> use of undefined 
> type &#8216;struct G4Material&#8217;
> /usr/local/geant4.8.1.p02/source/geometry/management/include/G4Region.hh:46:
> error: forward declaration of &#8216;struct
> G4Material&#8217;
> /u/ey/perl/CLHEP/include/CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h: At
> global scope:
> /u/ey/perl/CLHEP/include/CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h:67:
> warning: 
> &#8216;CLHEP::HepRandomGenActive&#8217; defined but
> not used
> make: **
> [/root/geant4/tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/GateCompressedVoxelOutput.o]
> Erro 1
> Thank you
> Tadeu Kubo.
>       Flickr agora em português. Você clica, todo mundo vê.
> http://www.flickr.com.br/
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> End of Gate-users Digest, Vol 16, Issue 10
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