[Gate-users] question?

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 12:29:45 CEST 2007

2007/9/3, hadi taleshi <hadi.taleshi at gmail.com>:
> Dear Stute
> Whould you introduction site explain step by step the installing Gate in
> the linux?.
> Now i am stupid and and i don't know what should i do. All of my quest is
> break.
> Installing guid is very mutilate.
> Thank you
> Hadi Taleshi Ahangari
> MSc. Tarbiat modarres University


Sorry but I'm very busy at this moment. I don't have time to give you full
explanation on the Gate installation. But a full and precise installation
guide will come soon ...
And you MUST send your questions on the mailing list, you will have more
chance to get answers.

Good luck,
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