[Gate-users] projection output from GATE

kathy at physics.usyd.edu.au kathy at physics.usyd.edu.au
Fri Oct 5 03:49:38 CEST 2007

Hello all,

I'm wondering if someone can clear up a few questions I have re the
projection output from GATE.

I'm working with a double headed SPECT model with the following parameters
for run-time:

speed = 0.5 deg/sec
time slice = 3 sec
total run time = 360 sec

This means the total rotation is 360 degrees, each head viewing 180
degrees. I would have thought that this would produce 120 projections,
however I am getting 240. It also appears in the header that the info is
written separately for each head. Has anyone had some experience with this
that can help? It seems that any info in the hdr is contradictory in that
the time per projection multiplied with the number per projection will not
give the run time. Or else I am (very possibly) mis-understanding.

Thanks so much for any help,


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