[Gate-users] filemerger BUG

Hannes Hofmann opengate at f00f.de
Thu Nov 29 11:21:24 CET 2007

Attached is a patch file that works for me (gate 3.1.1).
Please check whether it's useful for others.

On 10/10 10:51, Hannes Hofmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I have found an error in the filemerger gjm:
> In the method
> bool GateMergeManager::MergeTree(string chainName){
> in file src/GateMergeManager.cc I believe a 'return' is missing on line 467 which should IMHO look like this:
>   if(chainName=="Gate") return MergeGate(chain);
> Otherwise it will run into the error
> "Cannot find one of: runID, eventID, time in Gate" (line 482)
> Regards,
> Hannes
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