[Gate-users] What's wrong gareCoincidences.dat file did't generate?

yuxuan.zhang at di.mdacc.tmc.edu yuxuan.zhang at di.mdacc.tmc.edu
Tue May 22 17:06:45 CEST 2007


There's a very common mistake in your script. You had
set the repeatnumber of the head as 2, then accordingly
you should change the value of minSectorDifference from
default 2 to 1 in the coincidences sorter of the digitizer,
otherwise there will not be any coincidences between these
two heads.


"Ni yu Ching" <janet at iner.gov.tw>
Sent by: gate-users-bounces at lists.healthgrid.org
05/22/2007 08:12 AM
Please respond to janet

        To:     <gate-users at lists.healthgrid.org>
        Subject:        [Gate-users] What's wrong gareCoincidences.dat file did't generate?

I am try to modify the benchmarkPET mac files to my system.
And I changed the camera.mac for my detector size and shape.
But it's strange, only generated single and hits files and the
gareCoincidences.dat file did't generate.
what's wrong?
Below is my camera.mac

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