[Gate-users] Kubuntu

Paola Solevi Paola.Solevi at mib.infn.it
Mon Mar 19 18:13:11 CET 2007

Hi Corinne,
yes, I did. It worked but I had many problems with the OPENGL 
visualisation and I switched to Fedora.


On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, GROISELLE corinne wrote:

> Has someone already tried to use GEANT 4 / GATE on a PC running the Kubuntu distribution of Linux?
> Corinne Groiselle
> Direction de l'Ingénierie et des Moyens Industriels Communs
> Département Etudes Systèmes Neutroniques
> 20, avenue Descartes 94451 Limeil Brévannes Cedex, France
> ( + 33 (0) 1 45 95 70 00 poste 7708
> : corinne.groiselle at sodern.fr

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