[Gate-users] Announcement: Quantitative Imaging and Dosimetry in Nuclear Medicine Workshop in Berder, France, Oct 3-6 2007

Manuel Bardiès manu at nantes.inserm.fr
Mon Jan 29 20:01:01 CET 2007

The “Tumour targeting network” of the Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest is glad  
to announce the first of (we hope) a series of workshops dedicated to  
young scientists working in tumour targeting in Europe.

This first workshop is directed towards PhD Students and Post-Docs  
working in Europe within the field of Quantitative Imaging and  
Dosimetry in Nuclear Medicine.

This includes: dose calculation models, quantitative PET and SPECT  
imaging, clinical and preclinical dosimetry for targeted radionuclide  
This event will take place in the Morbihan gulf in Brittany, on the  
island Berder, from the 3rd to the 6th of October 2007. The main  
objective of this workshop is to allow PhD students and Post-Docs to  
present and discuss their work. This is facilitated by the sponsoring  
of the Cancéropôle Grand Ouest that provides travel grants.

The total attendance is limited to a maximum of 50 persons in order  
to preserve fruitful exchanges and allow for light infrastructure.
A maximum of 25 grants will be delivered to PhD students and Post- 
Docs, covering accommodation and a participation to travel expenses  
up to €250.

Registration will be made on a first served basis + selection of oral  
presentations. Young scientists willing to benefit from a grant are  
requested to send an abstract presenting their current research  
projects and results. Abstract selection will be made upon the  
scientific quality of proffered abstracts while trying to insure a  
broad representation of students throughout Europe. Since the number  
of attendees is limited, an early registration is strongly advised.

Information regarding registration/location/travel information:
Please feel free to forward this information to whoever might be  

We hope to see you there :-)

9 Quai Moncousu
44093 Nantes cedex 01

Tel: (33) 240 08 47 47
Fax: (33) 240 35 66 97
Dir: (33) 240 41 28 21
AIM: manuelbardies
iChat: manuelbardies at mac.com

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