[Gate-users] Which Geant4 data files are needed?

Vassilhs / Mandos bserem at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 21:19:27 CET 2007

Hello everybody, and (although a bit late) have a happy new year!


I'm trying to make a guide for GATE installation in Greek, so I reinstalled
Linux in my pc, and started to install GATE on a clean-system.

And then the following question came to my mind:
Which Geant4 data files are needed for proper execution of Gate?


At Cern these 6 files are available:


*	G4EMLOW3.0
*	G4NDL3.8
*	PhotonEvaporation2.0
*	RadiativeDecay3.0
*	G4ELASTIC.1.1.tar.gz
*	G4NDL.0.2.tar.gz (not to be used with G4NDL3.8)


In the two guides available for GATE, the one that installs Gate in MacOSX
uses all of them (except for the 2nd G4NDL)

In the Debian guide the elastic scattering data file isn't used!

So, which of the above 6 files are essential?


Thanks in advance ;)

Vassilhs Seremeths / Mandos



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