[Gate-users] [ no subject ]

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 16:48:48 CET 2007


2007/12/18, i.torres at lrz.tu-muenchen.de <i.torres at lrz.tu-muenchen.de>:
> Hi Simon,
> > Could you tell me please how long is your simulation 'single_layer.mac'
> ?
> > Because if it is not too much, I will run it will all different versions
> > of
> > Gate between 3.0.0 and 3.1.2 to see what are the differences and locate
> > between which ones the problem occured.
> I think in the newest computer we have is taking something like 1-2 h.
> I would like to know too what version of Geant4 and clhep do you use with
> > these different Gate versions. Because it has been demonstrated that
> with
> > a
> > wrong version of Geant4 and clhep, you could get wrong results. Do you
> > really use the correct ones ?
> At this moment we are not in the office and we can not tell you, but in
> principle we took the recommended versions from the GATE webpage. Tomorrow
> morning, we could inform you the exact ones and confirm it.

OK thanks, and after that I will run your simulation with the different gate
versions, even if it will be terribly boring to reinstall clhep and geant4
for each gate version :'-(

Could it be possible that the PET benchmark is working fine with a wrong
> version of Geant4 or clhep???

Hummmm ......... I hope so :-)
We will know it soon.


Thanks for your help!
> Irene and Jasmine
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