[Gate-users] Repeater and rotation of the shape.

Marcin Balcerzyk m.balcerzyk at pluri.ucm.es
Tue Dec 18 14:58:58 CET 2007

Hi Gaters.


Did anybody successfully used ring repeater with a 90 deg rotated trapezoid
(trpd) shape, with the enableAutoRotation option?


I created trapezoid shape, moved it along x axis, rotated 90 deg along y
axis. With this I have a pyramid pointing along x direction towards origin
of the system. When I do a repeater (8 times, every 45 deg) with
enableAutoRotation, the pyramid rotates around ITS z axis, and that axis is
all the time pointing at the x direction of the world.


I observed the same behavior for box shape, when it is rotated as the
trapezoid above.


/gate/PETscanner/daughters/insert trpd

/gate/trapezoid/geometry/setX1Length 40 mm

/gate/trapezoid/geometry/setY1Length 40 mm

/gate/trapezoid/geometry/setX2Length 50 mm

/gate/trapezoid/geometry/setY2Length 50 mm

/gate/trapezoid/geometry/setZLength 9.8 mm

/gate/trapezoid/placement/setRotationAxis 0 1 0

/gate/trapezoid/placement/setRotationAngle 90 deg

/gate/trapezoid/placement/setTranslation 60.7 0. 0. mm

#material is defined separately


/gate/trapezoid/repeaters/insert ring

/gate/trapezoid/ring/setPoint1 0. 0. 1. mm

/gate/trapezoid/ring/setPoint2 0. 0. 0. mm

# two above lines may be omitted, as z is default axis of rotation


/gate/trapezoid/ring/setRepeatNumber 8


/gate/systems/PETscanner/level1/attach trapezoid




Is anybody got something like that working reasonably well?


The solution I thought of is to insert manually (without repeater) 8
trapezoids. However I am not sure if 8 distinct shapes can work as one
crystal sensitive detector? How can I merge them? 


I would be obliged for any suggestion.


Best regards

Marcin Balcerzyk

Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

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