[Gate-users] Cluster merger

Jan De Beenhouwer jan.debeenhouwer at ugent.be
Wed Apr 25 17:42:11 CEST 2007


Did you compile gjm from source and did you load your
Gate environment settings? Try to copy the gjm to the same
directory as your root files and try again. If it doesn't work
then you can send me a test file and I will have a look. Make sure it
1: the root files (very small number of counts is ok for testing)
2: the split file

All the best,

On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 14:58 +0000, li zhi wrote:
> Dear Gater:
> I have used Cluster TOOL from new GATE version. But while I merge files 
> using command : ./gjm macro.split,  it give me errors:
> *** Break *** segmentation violation
>  Generating stack trace...
>  0x0804c6fd in <unknown> from 
> /beo5/newGate/SL3/GATE/gate_v3.1.0/Cluster_Tools/filemerger/gjm
>  0x0804b1b9 in <unknown> from 
> /beo5/newGate/SL3/GATE/gate_v3.1.0/Cluster_Tools/filemerger/gjm
>  0x01de378a in __libc_start_main + 0xda from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
>  0x0804a719 in operator new(unsigned int) + 0x31 from 
> /beo5/newGate/SL3/GATE/gate_v3.1.0/Cluster_Tools/filemerger/gjm
> Abort (core dumped)
> Could someone give me some suggestions how should I handle thoes errors?
> Thank you very much!
> Zhi LI
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MScE Jan De Beenhouwer
Ghent University Hospital
De Pintelaan 185
Block B - 5th floor
B-9000 Ghent
Tel. +32-9-240.43.26
Fax: +32-9-240.33.90
E-mail: <Jan.DeBeenhouwer at UGent.be>

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