[Gate-users] help with install/linking GATE]

Nicolas Karakatsanis knicolas at mail.ntua.gr
Sat Apr 7 09:37:00 CEST 2007

Hi Carmen

my suggestion is to check your environmental variables and the order you 
have defined them using either
the command export (bash mode) or setenv (csh mode).
Confirm that /usr/X11R6/lib is included in the variable: LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
by running:
Also confirm that there are no any other conflicting libOSMesa.so.4 
libraries in other directories such as /usr/lib
Try placing the library path: /usr/X11R6/lib before the /usr/lib

I believe that you just need to define the library paths the correct way 
and make sure that there re no conflicting libraries..
i do not think you need to recomplile mesalib or GATE again.
After that you should be able to run GATE successfully

Best regards

Nicolas Karakatsanis
PhD Candidate, Biomedical Physics
4 Peristaseos St, N. Ionia, Athens, Greece, 14232
Nuclear Imaging Medical Group
School of Electrical and Computer Engineer,
National Technical University of Athens
E-mail: knicolas at mail.ntua.gr

green at berkeley.edu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to install gate on Fedora Core 5 using the following packages:
> gate 3.0.0
> geant 4.8.0.p01
> clhep
> root 5.12.00
> mesalib 6.4.2
> I can compile and run everything successfully except for GATE. GATE
> appears to compile, but when I attempt to run I get the following error:
> $ Gate
> Gate: symbol lookup error: /usr/X11R6/lib/libOSMesa.so.4: undefined
> symbol: _swrast_alloc_buffers
> Can anyone help?  Thanks,
> Carmen
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