[gate-users] Problems running Gate

Fernando Rannou rannou at diinf.usach.cl
Tue May 16 18:29:50 CEST 2006

Hi Richard
Yes, as you know OPET uses 8 layers and we do some tricks to
handle that, but I did issue a 



On Tue, 2006-05-16 at 13:34 -0700, Richard Taschereau wrote:
> Hi Fernando,
> I’ve had that problem before.  The message is issued by one of the LMF
> modules: makeid.c.  If you are using an unusual scanner geometry that
> might confuse the module, which is trying to build some identification
> (possibly  crystald ID/layer) from the ring #, sector, module, etc
> Hope that helps.
> Richard
> On 5/16/06 8:45 AM, "Fernando Rannou" <rannou at diinf.usach.cl> wrote:
>         Hello
>         Please take a look at the error messages at the end of this
>         email.
>         Is the segmentation violation produced by the ERROR in
>         G4VisManager
>         or because of the "M is too big ..."?
>         Anyway, I'm lost in both cases. Any help?
>         Fernando
>         WARNING: Scene "refresh" not found.
>           /vis/scene/list to see scenes.
>         ERROR: G4VisManager::IsValidView(): Vis manager but no
>         graphics system.
>           Suppress instantiation of vis manager (G4VisExecutive) or
>           use "/vis/open" or "/vis/sceneHandler/create".
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 1 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 6 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 6 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 2 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 5 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 2 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 2 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 1 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 4 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 3 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 2 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 6 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 3 Max < 1
>         M is too big to make the ID : M = 3 Max < 1
>          *** Break *** segmentation violation
> -- 
> Richard Taschereau, Ph.D.
> CRUMP Institute for Molecular Imaging
> University of California Los Angeles
> 700 Westwood Plaza A222
> Los Angeles, CA 90095-1770
> Phone: (310) 825-0697
> Fax:     (310) 206-8975
> email: RTaschereau at mednet.ucla.edu
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