[gate-users] MacBook Pro

Manuel Bardiès manuelbardies at mac.com
Mon May 1 20:39:14 CEST 2006

Hi Becky,

As far as I known, nobody tried to compile Gate on a new Intel-based  
MacBook Pro.
You - or Antigoni - might be the first one ;-)
I do not think that should be a problem, though.
We have 2 options:
First, use gcc (it's been ported by Apple), which I believe is the  
most sensible thing to do: Geant/Gate has been made for gcc, and  
proved to work on most platforms with gcc.
I follow Mac users developer forums, and as far as I've read, no  
major flaw was found in Apple's gcc for Intel.
Second, but probably as a second choice, I would try to use the newly  
released Intel compilers for Intel-based Macs. These compilers are  
not free, but are in general quite well optimised, so we may see  
performance increase. There might  be, however, some tuning to do...

Let me know how it goes :-)



Le 30 avr. 06 à 15:23, Rebecca Gregory a écrit :

> I am planning to get a new laptop, which I want to be able to run GATE
> on.
> I've been looking at the MacBook Pro. This has the Intel Core Duo
> processor. Has anyone installed GATE on a Mac with the Intel Duo
> processor? Does anyone know of any issues with this?
> Or can anyone recommend an alternative laptop and operating system.
> Becky
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