[gate-users] visualization problem

sebnem erturk sebnem.erturk at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 15:01:30 CET 2006

Hi Maria,

Maybe your  RAM is not sufficient for visualisation or another possibility ,
your installation  may not be correct. You can examine your installation
procedure or you can install and compile all the system again by adding

Good Luck,

Physics Engineer,
Boğaziçi University
Biomedical Engineering Institute

P.S (I used 1 GB RAM with double cpu mainboard.)

On 3/22/06, mkaraveli at mail.gr <mkaraveli at mail.gr> wrote:
> Hallo,
> I have just installed GATE and I tried running the visualization macro
> suggested by the manual.
> My problem is that the following commands are not found by the system:
> /vis/viewer/viewpointThetaPhi 60 60
> gate/geometry/enableAutoUpdate
> I suppose that if it worked I sould be seeing a cube in the viewer.
> Instead I get a black window with nothing on it.
> Do you know how to solve the problem?
> Thank you
> Maria
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