[gate-users] Hits file for all hits in world

Chen, Yu Yu.Chen at umassmed.edu
Fri Mar 17 15:01:31 CET 2006

Hi, Ange,

I do not know if there is a simple way to do this in GATE.
But in Geant4, /hits/verbose i 
can output all hits, I guess. 

Try different i (1-5 e.g.) to see what you can get. You will
see particle name, step number, volume name etc.

Hope it helps.

Yu Chen, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Division of Nuclear Medicine
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655-0243
Phone:  (508) 856-6123
Fax:    (508) 856-4572

-----Original Message-----
From: Angela M K Foudray [mailto:afoudray at stanford.edu]
Sent: Thu 3/16/2006 10:18 PM
To: GATE feedback and helpline for Users
Subject: [gate-users] Hits file for all hits in world
Dearest GATE users,

Does anyone have a good way to have every interaction (regardless of
position in the world) written to the hits file, not just the crystals?
Anyone try to modify the code to do this?  I guess "attachCrystalSD" can
only be used on volumes within the detector system (e.g., rsector,
module, etc. for cylindricalPET)...


Angela M K Foudray <afoudray at stanford.edu>

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