[Gate-users] Bug in GateDeadTime.cc

Sebastien JAN jan at shfj.cea.fr
Thu Jun 8 18:20:40 CEST 2006

Hi Gaters,

The bug report from spencer was correct. This bug impacted your results 
when you defined a system with a specific hierarchy, for example :
cylindricalPET + rsector + module + crystal +... with the dead time 
applied on the "module".

If you used a hierarchy as follow :
cylindricalPET + rsector + crystal + ...with the dead time applied on 
the "rsector", your data are correct.

This bug is now fixed in the release (on the gate web site) and you can 
find a patch attached to this email.

Sorry for troubles and thank's to Spencer for his collaboration.



Spencer Bowen wrote:
>     I'm writing to report a potential bug for the singles dead time 
> implementation in Gate versions 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 found in the source file 
> GateDeadTime.cc.  In the for-loop at lines 134-137 it appears as though 
> a unique ID for each component is not assigned to m_generalDetId.  For 
> instance, for a cyldricalPET system I have been simulating that contains 
> 6 modules per an rsector (total of 22 rsectors), with the deadtime 
> attached to the module volume, the variable m_generalDetId goes from 0 
> to 26, when it should go from 0 to 131.  Indeed the array 
> m_deadTimeTable is declared with length numberTotalOfComponentInSystem = 
> 132, in this instance (line 286).  Consequently, with duplicate 
> m_generalDetId values the dead time experienced for each module can be 
> significantly greater than if unique IDs were issued.  Below I have 
> posted a simple fix to this potential bug:
>      G4int multFactor = 1;
>      for(G4int i = 1 ; i < numberOfHigherLevels + 1; i++)
>     {
>            multFactor *= numberOfComponentForLevel[i-1];
>           m_generalDetId += aVolumeID->GetCopyNo(m_depth-i)*multFactor;
>     }
> I'm interested to know if others have noticed this error in their own 
> simulation results?
>      Spencer
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