[Gate-users] Warning message

D.J. van der Laan d.j.vanderlaan at tnw.tudelft.nl
Thu Jul 13 17:28:21 CEST 2006

>From a previous discussion on this warning:

Hi Theo and Jin
I can confirm the remarks by Jin

You get these (warning) messages when the positron has not annihilated
before reaching the World boundary.
This happens often when the source is in Air, as Jin suggested.
But having the source in Air is in most cases totally unrealistic, as it
is normally contained in some liquid or solid.
I would suggest to define the source geometry (volumes and materials)
correctly (for both liquid and container) and to position the source
accurately in it.

Due to the relatively low positron energy, most of the positrons will be
stopped either in the liquid or in the (glass/plastic/...) container.
Some can escape, so a few warnings are OK. in any case, the results will
be realistic, as in the real experiment some positrons will escape as well.

Best regards,
-- Giovanni ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



phm1ma at surrey.ac.uk wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone knows what the following message means
> ' [GateTrajectoryNavigator::FindAnnihilationGammasTrackID]  WARNING : positron found and photonID vector size: 1 '
> Thanks.
> Monu
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D.J. van der Laan
Delft University of Technology
Mekelweg 15, room 2.00.020
2629 JB Delft
The Netherlands

E: d.j.vanderlaan at tnw.tudelft.nl
T: +31 15 2783776
F: +31 15 2789011

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