[gate-users] Cold spot using GATE

Erick Mora emoravia at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 30 17:43:28 CET 2006

Dear all:

I'm Erick Mora Ramirez and I'm doing a
research/training at UCH, London at the Institute of
Nuclear Medicine.

I'm trying to simulate a cubic box, filled with water
and one cylinder (made of lung or breast tissue)
inside this cubic box. I want to create an uniform
distribution of the activity in the cubic box without
fill the cylinder, in order to create a cold spot. 

I did previously a short simulation but I got a "hot
spot" rather than a cold spot. I checked the examples
which come with the installation but I can't find a

At the moment I'm running another simulation, defining
a source with cero activity in a confinement (for my
cylindrical cold spot) and keeping the activity at the
cubic box.

If someone have any advice I will really appreciate.


Erick Mora Ramirez

                Erick Mora Ramirez 
Master in Medical Physics from University College London (UCL)
  Address: University College Hospital, Institute of Nuclear Medicine
                235 Euston Road, NW1 2BU, London
                United Kingdom

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