[gate-users] Difference between v1.2.0 and v2.2.0 and the status of voxelized phantom

Youngho Seo youngho.seo at radiology.ucsf.edu
Tue Jan 24 22:26:33 CET 2006

Dear All,

Can anyone tell me what is the difference that I should go for v2.2.0 
instead of v1.2.0? In addition, I vaguely remember that it's not possible 
to use voxelised phantom geometry in v2. I do not remember that the issue 
has been resolved. Is there any update on the status?

Youngho SEO, Ph.D.
Center for Molecular and Functional Imaging
UCSF Department of Radiology
185 Berry Street, Suite 350
San Francisco, CA 94143-0946
1.415.353.9464 1.415.353.9421
email: youngho.seo at radiology.ucsf.edu

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