[gate-users] voxelised source

Julia Trummer Julia.Trummer at cern.ch
Fri Feb 24 16:28:00 CET 2006


I try to use GATE with a voxelised source. When I use the brain
interfile example I get the error that the header file hof3.i33 could
not be opened.
When I use my own ncat phantom, which I converted with xmedcon to
inferfile, the error is: unrecognised type name: unsigned integer.
I put both error messages here after. 
Can anyone tell me whats wrong?


GateSourceVoxelImageReader::ReadFile : fileName:
 Header read from
 Data file name         'hof3.i33'
 Nb of planes:           55
 Nb of pixels per plane: 128 128
 Pixel size:             2.000e+00 2.000e+00
 Slice thickness:        2.000e+00
 Matrix size:            2.560e+02 2.560e+02
 Data type:              UNSIGNED INTEGER
Error: Could not open header file 'hof3.i33'!

GateSourceVoxelImageReader::ReadFile : fileName:
'nrecognised type name 'unsigned integer
'nrecognised type name 'unsigned integer
 Header read from
'Data file name         'm002-m000-cl_test64_act_av.i33
 Nb of planes:           0
 Nb of pixels per plane: 64 64
 Pixel size:             1.000e+00 1.000e+00
 Slice thickness:        0.000e+00
 Matrix size:            6.400e+01 6.400e+01
 Data type:
Error: one of the matrix dimensions is zero!

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