[gate-users] run aborted (benchmarkPET)

Claude Comtat comtat at ieee.org
Mon Feb 20 13:47:01 CET 2006

Hi Serjio,

To my understanding, the warning message is related to a positron that 
escaped the cylinder without annihilating with a electron. It's only a 
warning message that does not prevent the correct execution of Gate and 
  I don't think that it explains the crash of Gate.


serge seudieu wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am a new GATE user. 
> I have tried to run the two benchmarks. SPECTbench
> results are fine but benchmarkPET has a probleme.
> When it's lunched, it seems to be working properly
> until I have this message :
> [GateTrajectoryNavigator::FindAnnihilationGammasTrackID]
>  WARNING : positron found and photonID vector size: 4
> GateAnalysis::RecordEndOfEvent : WARNING : photonID
> vector size > 2
> ...And 3 hours later I have this message :
> aborted
> If someone has an idea, please help me.
> Thanks in advance
> Serjio
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Claude Comtat					comtat at ieee.org
Image Acquisition and Processing group		tel: +33 1 69 86 78 01
Frédéric Joliot Hospital Facility		fax: +33 1 69 86 77 49
French Atomic Energy Commission 		www-dsv.cea.fr/shfj

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