[Gate-users] SPECT bench no interaction within phantom

Hamid Khosravi hrkhosravi at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 11 19:09:27 CEST 2006

Hi All,

I've installed gate on both mac and linux machine.but
after running SPECTbench I have no interaction in
phantom that is strange and true for both machine (mac
and linux).Can anybody help me for finding it's

I attach 2row of my gateSingles.dat file, just to
ensure my setup is correct.
 0   14241     0 -1.097e+01  1.027e+01 -1.054e+02    
0     0     0   4.78982223015609387406499e-01 
1.145e-01  1.966e+02  5.674e+01 -1.066e+02    1    0  
 1    1 Phantom_P Phantom_P
       0   14613     0  7.680e+00  4.164e-01
-1.019e+02     2     0     0  
4.91333383859284544836754e-01  8.140e-02 -1.945e+02
-2.534e+01 -9.716e+01    3    0    0    1 Phantom_P

Also in linux machine and  for PET benchmark after
about 1-2 hours I encounter with "killed" message and
programme is terminated.
Could U please inform me what is it's reason,too ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.


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