[Gate-users] GATE workshop at MIC

Irène Buvat buvat at imed.jussieu.fr
Tue Aug 1 00:32:11 CEST 2006

Dear Lakshal and Gate users,

>I'm trying to organise my travel plans for NSS-MIC and was wondering 
>if anyone has any information about the proposed GATE workshop which 
>was advertised a little while ago. Was there enough interest for 
>another workshop to be run and where might this be held?
>Thanks for any clarification

2 points :

1) there will be a Gate workshop during the IEEE MIC meeting, to be 
announced soon on the MIC Web site (I am  currently arranging the 
last details with the MIC program chair). The workshop will actually 
be held on Saturday evening Nov 4th, at 5:30 pm. This will be a 
meeting for having the Gate users meet together and meet the OpenGATE 
collaboration members, to share their experience, present and discuss 
their use and results with Gate, give their opinion about Gate and 
ideas for further improvements and developments in Gate. The members 
of the OpenGATE collaboration will also give an update of on-going 
developments in Gate, of new features that have been recently added, 
and on planned developments with expected time schedule. However, 
this won't be by any mean a training session. All gate users are 
invited to participate to this workshop and will be given the 
opportunity to present their use of Gate and their developments in 
Gate during the workshop. A precise announcement of the workshop, 
with all practical details, will be made soon, both on the MIC web 
site and on the gate-user mailing list.

2) there will be another Gate training session, but we haven't 
reached yet the critical number of potential attendees (we need twice 
more than the number we can actually welcome, so that we are sure to 
get a sufficient number of attendees when the training will take 
place, accounting for the number of interested people who won't be 
able to come at the planned date and place) to start planning it (for 
instance, to decide whether it will be held in Europe or North 
America). If we have about 10 more people showing interest in the 
training by september, we should be able to organize the training 
session beginning of 2007. More details on the gate-user mailing list 
as soon as things get organized.

Thanks again for your interest in Gate, and we hope to see you in San 
Diego during the Gate Workshop at the IEEE MIC.

Irene Buvat, for the OpenGate collaboration
Irene Buvat, PhD
Equipe "Imagerie de la perfusion et des échanges moléculaires"
CHU Pitié Salpêtrière
91 Boulevard de l'Hôpital
75634 Paris Cedex 13
Tel : 01 53 82 84 19
Fax : 01 53 92 84 48
email : buvat at imed.jussieu.fr

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