[gate-users] about the rebinner module in LMF

Yunzhi Ma mayz at mpe.pku.edu.cn
Thu Apr 6 06:27:18 CEST 2006

hi, all

    I want to ask something about List Mode Format. As you know, LMF is a collection of tools to treat 
lists of singles and/or coincidences, including builder, reader, sorter, writer, and so on. 
    As indicated in the documents, LMF also includes the rebinner component. But where is it? It is drawn 
in the Fig.1 on page 2 of document ClearPET_LMF.pdf. But there is not a command rebinner, like reader and sorter. 
    Is the rebinner exactly a component of LMF? If so, how to use it to rebin the data output by xyz_extrctor:

LMFreader for test.ccs in mode = locateIdInScanner      Open ok...
size E 15 size gate digi =0
pattern read ok ...
ID first location searcher : 30840
x = -27.768839
y = -127.056421
z = 16.800000
ID first location searcher : 10106
x = 25.429078
y = 127.590456
z = 74.400000
ID first location searcher : 23932
x = -122.503687
y = -44.066418
z = 36.000000

If not, then how can I get it? or How can I convert the above output data into the format of sinogram(which then was used to reconstruct the image by STIR library)? 

Thanks in advance for any comments and instructions.

yunzhi ma
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