[gate-users] sample image from my IQ_phantom simulation

Mutanga Theodore muathe02 at student.umu.se
Fri Sep 16 11:06:20 CEST 2005

Hi ross
I attach a copy of my phantom macro and some images . I may have found
something that could have been the cause of the background disappearing. I
had defined an inner cylinder of air surrounding the sources ( this I
called background source holder and it is where I placed the warm
background source) I am thinking that this should have been water and not
air ? since most of the positrons will escape right thru ?

> Hi Theodore,
> Attenuation correction can be done via STIR by building an attenuation
> coefficient image and then using the projection data correction routine
> to scale the data properly.  That's probably the most straight forward
> method.  Also, arc correction is important in order to avoid object
> distortions for this phantom.
> I have been doing a similar reconstruction with the DLS and have been
> unsure about the counting statistics with respect to the contrast
> ratios.  How many coincidences do you have in your image data?
> Cheers,
> ross
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
> [mailto:gate-users-bounces at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch] On Behalf Of Mutanga
> Theodore
> Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:20 AM
> To: gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch
> Subject: [gate-users] sample image from my IQ_phantom simulation
> I will like to present an image that I obtained using a simulation of
> the Discovery St and reconstruction with stir for the iq-phantom, some
> spheres are missing and there is heavy attenuation , I am currently
> exploring ways of simulating and correcting for attenuation with GATe
> and STIR, any suggestions?
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