[gate-users] Benchmark

Jianfeng He jfenghe at petnm.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Sep 12 04:35:13 CEST 2005

Dear all,

Has somebody validated successfully the benchmarkPET with GATE package
in the following environment:
Fedora Core 4
gcc 4.0.0
Root 4.03/04,

After installation and benchmark, I got a strange problem about
benchmark result that one detector head was lost in the plots of the
benchmark compared with the reference plots of benchmark(normally it
should be 8 repeat head). 

I modified the camera.mac file of bechmark related to the part of repeat
head, adding one more the setRepeatNumber from 8 to 9, then running
benchmark again. The result of benchmark seems to be close the reference
as follow:

 Acquisition start time = 0 [s]
 Acquisition stop time  = 240 [s]
 O-15 decay factor = 0.546383
 F-18 decay factor = 0.987477
 O-15 initial activity = 100000 [Bq]
 F-18 initial activity = 100000 [Bq]
 O-15 decays = 1.31132e+07
 F-18 decays = 2.36994e+07
 ==> Expected total number of decays during the acquisition is 3.68126e
+07 +/- 6067.34
 There are 3.68072e+07 recorded decays
 There are 314545 true unscattered coincidences
 There are 24421 random coincidences
 There are 369822 scattered coincidences
  ==> there are 708788 coincidences (true, scattered, and random)
  ==> global scatter fraction = 0.540385
  ==> absolute sensitivity = 0.854573 %
 Measured O-15 life-time = 123.607 [s]
 Nominal  O-15 life-time = 122.24  [s]
   ==> difference = 1.11809 %
 Gamma acolinearity FWHM = 0.606303 degree (expected: 0.58)

Does anybody have any idea why one detector head is lost? Thanks a lot!




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