[gate-users] GEANT4 Installation Problem - Mac OSX

Dave Yerush zaytunqz at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 8 19:46:32 CEST 2005

I am trying to install GEANT4 in order to get GATE
running on my computer (Mac OSX Panther 10.3.9)  I'm
not so sure I am having a system specific problem.  I
am following the instructions on the GEANT website:

I am trying to build the GEANT4 libraries by using the
 > ./Configure -build

This gives me the message:
--- Geant4 Toolkit Installation  ---
WARNING: Geant4 is NOT built yet!
You (or the administrator if you have not enough
should start with $G4INSTALL/Configure -build.
(where $G4INSTALL is Geant4 install directory).

I then use the command:
/Users/davidy/geant4.7.1/Configure ~build

and I get the same message again:

--- Geant4 Toolkit Installation  ---
WARNING: Geant4 is NOT built yet!
You (or the administrator if you have not enough
should start with $G4INSTALL/Configure -build.
(where $G4INSTALL is Geant4 install directory).
So I haven't even passed the first step.  Please help.


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