[gate-users] Draw method with a selection based on logical operation on strings

GUEZ David dguez at cea.fr
Sun Sep 4 00:40:51 CEST 2005

tim tran a écrit :

> Hi 
> I have just entered the exciting field of detector simulation using GATE.
> I am using ROOT for analysis of Gate.root data. 
> First of all, I like to thank all those who have made it possible for 
> these wonderful software packages to be freely available for 
> researchers all over the world.
> Now, I have a  question about displaying histogram using ROOT.
> The Draw() method provides a very easy way to display a histogram and 
> has a very neat implementation of a selection option.
> e.g.,  Singles->Draw("globalPosX","energy>0.1");  Display those 
> Singles with energy less than 0.1 Mev.
> However, the easy selection method does not seem to extend to string 
> operation. For example, if I want to display the same globalPosX for 
> those Singles that had at least Compton interaction in the SPECThead, 
> I thought the following line might work, it it did not,
>   Singles->Draw("globalPosX","!strcmp(comptVolName,"SPECTHead"));  To 
> display those Singles with a Compton interaction in the SPECThead.
> However, the 'comptVolName' is not recognized by ROOT, while 
> globalPosX is.  
> Can some one point out what was wrong with the above line?
> Is there a correct and similarly easy way to display a variable with 
> logical operation on strings as a selection method?
> I understand that an alternative way is to use the Get Entry() method 
> in a loop. 
> If using GetEntry() is the only way possible to display a histogram 
> when selection is based on comparison of strings, please tell me, so I 
> won't keep looking for an easy way out.
> Thanks in advance.
> Tim
>gate-users mailing list
>gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch

you could directly use the equality operator in the slection string, but 
you must protect the quotes, so you should use
the command line

I'd just like to add a comment, the volume names you entered in the GATE 
macr are automatically suffixed with a '_P' for G4
so, the name you of your volume name is probably SPECTHead_P, leading to 
the command line

best regards,


**  David GUEZ                                                 **
**  ^^^^^^^^^^                                                 **
**                                                             **
**  Service de Physique Nucléaire |                            **
**  CEA Saclay                    | mail :dguez at cea.fr         **
**  DSM/DAPNIA/SPHN               | tel : (+33) 1 69 08 33 68  **
**  91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex    | fax : (+33) 1 69 08 75 84  **
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