[gate-users] voxelized phantoms Gate 1.2

Mutanga Theodore muathe02 at student.umu.se
Thu Nov 17 15:29:54 CET 2005

Greetings all,

I have been puzzled by the behaviour of gate for the past couple of days
now and I would like to have some help from anyone with simillar
experiences or someone who has an idea.

I am using Gate 2.1 with all configurations as shown on the site.

I have created my phantom from CT image slices using PMOD and Xmedcon for
conversion into interfile. The image data is unsigned integer and I have
verified this by dumping the pixels to screen.

Now I run a complete benchmark test with PET benchmark and it goes without
any problems in about 6 hours and the results are ok.

I then modify the same benchmark macro with wth my own camera, and phantom
modules. I use also a modified version of the Voxelized sources and
Voxelized phantom macros to test my simulation.

What is puzzling is that there are no errors in the output but the
simulation seems to hand just after the part where range cuts are
calculated ....the last  line is the line with -------default region of
the world------

I constantly check the root file size during the simulation but it doesn't
change in size. I have used a total or 15 MBq for a total of 2550760
voxels.  and I am just testing for a 5 seconds run. (start - stop = 5s)

Is anyone running voxelized sources and phantoms with this version ? Could
I please have some macros and sample interfile phantoms to test and
compare with mine ?

I don't have any idea why the simulation is not working as everything is
ok and no error messages are presented.

Thanks for your help.


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