[gate-users] RE: Phantom problem (Sophie Kerhoas)

Mikhail Shilov mshilov1 at jhmi.edu
Thu May 26 16:21:13 CEST 2005


Thank you very much. That was exactly the problem. After making my
phantom an object daughter of the world it worked perfectly. Now
everything makes sense including the energy spectrum of the singles.


Unfortunately I don't use Root files. I read ASCII files myself with
IDL, which makes it a lot easier. In gateHits.dat file I look for
'annihil' in the 20th column  and then plot the x,y of the event.
I do something like this:

temp = ASCII_TEMPLATE('gateHits.dat')
z = READ_ASCII('gateHits.dat', template = template)

index = where( z.field20 EQ 'annihil' )

plot, z.field11(index), z.field12(index), psym=3

Mikhail A. Shilov
The Johns Hopkins University
Department of Radiology
Division of Medical Imaging Physics
Tel:  443-287-7315

On Tue, 2005-05-24 at 23:50, Schmidtlein, Ross/Sloan-Kettering
> Hi Mikhail,
> In your definition of the phantom it looks like you made it a
> of the ECAT system and not the world.  That would account for it not
> having any effect in the simulation.
> ross

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