[gate-users] Problem on Installation and material database of human brain

Robin Wen robin.wen at gmail.com
Thu May 19 06:32:55 CEST 2005

Hi, Everybody,

   Regarding the installation manual of Gate, two platforms are 
mentioned for the installation including Linux and MacOS X. Because the 
Root and Geant4 can be complied on the platform of Solaris, I am 
wondering whether the package of Gate could be compiled on Solaris 2.9 
as well.

   In addition, I want to do some simulations for the human brain using 
Gate. Checking the examples, voxels of brain phantom are simply assigned 
to the water or glass. I found there is no definition for the brain 
cortex, bone in the file of GateMaterials.db. Did anyone have the 
experience to do such the simulation for the real human brain?

   Thanks in advance.



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