[gate-users] ECAT7 Sinogram size and STIR reconstruction

Kris Thielemans kris.thielemans at csc.mrc.ac.uk
Wed May 18 17:17:37 CEST 2005

Hi Ross

> Another factor the affects the length of STIR runs is the
> zoom factor. Smaller factors run much faster. 
I guess you really should have said the image size (which by default is
tied to the zoom factor as STIR defaults to reconstructing the whole
FOV). The zoom itself should be a 2nd order effect.

And another factor is obviously which reconstruction algorithm you use.
It's easy to do OSMAPOSL with 1 subset and no prior (i.e. EMML) and ask
for 1000 iterations. That'll take even longer than a few hours I guess.

And another factor is what machine you run this on.

So Nikoloas, next time you ask a question, you give all the information
you have. (and it should have gone to the STIR users list in any case).

Aside from that, increasing mashing or span decreases resolution
off-axis. It's up-to you if you're worried about this.


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