[gate-users] Counts vs. time slice

Eva Nerina Gimenez Navarro nerina at ific.uv.es
Tue May 17 18:52:18 CEST 2005

Hello everybody,
I want to generate an exact number of annihilations, instead of 
simulating a time slice. I have read an e.mail between Groisselle and 
Foudray related to this topic, which suggest to use the command:

/run/beamOn NbrofEvents

However, I have experienced that whenever the NbrofEvents to be 
generated is bigger than the source activity, 
("/gate/source/twogamma/setActivity 10000. becquerel")
it does not generate the total amount of NbrofEvents, but just the 
events defined for the source activity. It looks like the source 
activity is no longer an activity but the maximum number of events 
allowed to be generated.
Is this the expected behaviour when I don't use the TimeManagement?
If it is so, it means that if I want to generate 10,000,000 events, 
should I define a source activity of 10,000,000 Becquerel??
Thanks in advance

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