[gate-users] number of simulated decays

Assen Kirov kirova at mskcc.org
Sat Jun 18 00:03:31 CEST 2005

Hi Bastien,

Both are easy to do: Run the PET benchmark example provided with GATE 
and then the root
analysis code also provided with it. That will give you the number of 
decays and also within Root
you can  find plots of the spectrum.


Bastien Guérin wrote:

>I am a new Gate user and I try to do a very simple thing: to get the energy
>spectrum of photons (PET) in the case of a point src in a water cylinder and
>a perfect detector. Do you know a simple way to do that?
>Also do you know how to retrieve the EXACT number of decays simulated when
>doing a PET simulation?
>Thanks a million for your support,
>Bastien Guérin
>PhD st., physics, adv. Dr El Fakhri
>dpt of Radiology, div. of Nuclear Medicine
>Brigham and Women's Hospital
>gate-users mailing list
>gate-users at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch

Assen S. Kirov, Ph.D.
Assistant Attending Physicist
Department of Medical Physics, Room S-1119H
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Avenue,  New York, NY 10021
tel (212) 639-7126, fax (212) 717 3010

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