[gate-users] source of germanium68

evander at phas.ubc.ca evander at phas.ubc.ca
Mon Jun 13 19:49:06 CEST 2005

Hi Murial,
I've added a Ge-68 Beta-energy spectrum to Gate. I attached the source
code to this email. Just put the files with extensions .cc in the
gate/src/ and the .hh files in your gate/include directory, and recompile
Gate. You can get the right germanium spectrum and half-life by using the

/gate/source/LINE/setForcedHalfLife 2.34101E+007 s
/gate/source/LINE/gps/energytype Germanium68

I've emailed you directly so you will get the attachments but I imagine
that these attachments will be scrubbed for the other gate-users.  If
anybody else wants them, I guess you can email me directly.

One thing I should note, though: I've used a different model for the
energy spectrum than the other Gate beta spectra. I just use the Fermi
spectrum for the kinetic energy (KE) of the beta:
KE=sqrt(K^2+2*K*(0.511))(K_max-K)^2(K+0.511) with K_max = 1.899 MeV.
Gate uses some other model that I can't get the reference for (Behrens H
and Janecke J 1969 "Numerical Tables for Beta-Decay and Electron Capture
Landolt-Börnstein, New Series, Group I" vol 4 ed H Schopper, Berlin:
Springer). My equation is praobably good enough for most purposes... it
gives pretty much the right spectrum and close to the correct mean (the
Fermi mean = 0.800 MeV and the experimental mean 0.836 MeV), but it
probably could be a bit more accurate.

Best Regards,

> Hi all,
> I need to know how the spectrum of energy within Gate is coded.
> Which are the emission lines which you took into account?
> I must use a source of germanium68.
> Which are the lines which I must take into account to code them in Gate?
> Best regards,
> Muriel
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