[gate-users] The LMF output files from the parallelized GATE simulations.

"Junhyung Lee" junhero at skku.edu
Wed Jun 1 14:02:13 CEST 2005

Dear Fernando

Thanks in your advice.
I'm working very well my job using a GATE with a Condor.
But, I have a problem of output file.

The LMF output files from the parallelized GATE simulations is not useful.
I would like to make a merged LMF output file.
Is it possible to merge the LMF output files?
(for example, ROOT)

## This is a sample of my job.
# condor_submit file.
# --------------------
 arguments = -a LMF_FILE example_$(Process) -a BEGIN 0 -a END 60 example.mac
 queue 1
 arguments = -a LMF_FILE example_$(Process) -a BEGIN 60 -a END 120 example.mac
 queue 2
# products
# --------------------
 example_01.cch, example_01.css
 example_02.cch, example_02.css

Best regards,
Junhyung Lee

Junhyung Lee
Department of Nuclear Medicine                                     
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine	  

e-mail: junhero.lee at samsung.com
           junhero at skku.edu
blog: http://blog.naver.com/junhero
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